Showing posts from 2012Show all
Division of Labor, Talent and Journalistic Branding
What we now know about news and news revenue in the digital world
Many journalists can't provide the value-added journalism that is needed today
Changing frequency of newspaper publication is not a sign of the apocalypse
Canadian Media Merger Creates High Market Power and Runs Against Concentration Trends Elsewhere
Contemporary Trends Change Magazine and Newspaper Printing Markets
NBC's Olympic Coverage Shows Audience Expectations Aren't in Its Cross Media Strategy
The Daily’s rocky performance shows legacy brands create digital advantages
Facebook's business problems are symptomatic of many large digital firms
Digital journalism reaches sustainability, but transitional business problems interfere
Cable firms and Facebook Continue to Disappoint their Customers
Letting go: Making sense of social magazines and news readers
Is the future of digital journalism an outside job?
The thorny problem of media pluralism
Changing social power is reflected in the sales of newspaper offices
Newspapers increase use of co-opetition practices